Disaster resilience is "the ability of individuals, communities, organisations, or countries exposed to disasters and crises and underlying vulnerabilities to: anticipate, reduce the impact of, cope with, and recover from the effects of adversity without compromising their long-term prospects." (IFRC)
Resilient Community Organisations is a toolkit developed by and for the community sector to help organisations measure and improve their resilience to disasters and emergencies.
The Toolkit includes:
Disaster resilience is about 'bouncing back' from disasters and emergencies. Disaster resilient organisations can continue to provide services to people in the community despite the crisis and protect the wellbeing of staff and volunteers. In these ways, disaster resilient organisations contribute to the overall resilience of people, families and communities.
Did you know? 25% of Community
Organisations think they would close for
good after an extreme weather event?
Would your organisation be one of them?